Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trish Scott here.

 After 5 trips here, you would think I would be a little tired of it by now, but each visit with these people surpasses the previous ones.  Through all of the lows and highs, and unexpected events, I am continually reminded of the necessity of continuing to build lasting Godly relationships with the locals here.  This week, God has strongly reinforced the Compassion model in my thoughts and beliefs.  I feel very strongly that we cannot change the circumstances where these people live and struggle to meet basic needs, but we can introduce many of them to Christ and offer them a real hope for a changed heart to assist them in all they endure, and we can encourage many of them in their Christian walk as they do the dirty work in the trenches here daily, literally.  We come bearing gifts and excitement, but really, the only thing we can offer them that makes a lasting difference is Jesus.  He will remain here with them long after we fly away and go back to our luxurious lifestyles where we have virtually few needs.  Jesus will hold their hands on dark nights in the village when their stomachs are empty and their houses have three feet of water inside.

I am looking forward to the days when there is a house here in the village where we gringos can visit for weeks at a time and really share ourselves and our faith without the restraints of language or a limited and brief visit.  We NEED to BE here for them, sharing in their sorrows and struggles if they are to ever really trust us, and ultimately trust Jesus.  There is so much more we could build here for the Lord that will last for an eternity.

Michele has had her eye on an awesome little piece of property in the center of the village.  By our standards it is relatively cheap.  But the means to acquire it is not yet clear.  Your prayers are coveted with regards to this property.  How could we get it and use it to further build God’s kingdom?  I can see so many possibilities, and none of them are impossible for God.

I could have written you fifty interesting stories about my experiences thus far with the Dominican peoples, but I will leave that for another time and for other team members.  Just know that God is working here, in the Dominicans, as well as the temporary Dominicans.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post, Trish! God is working! I can see that every time you visit, you leave another piece of your heart in the DR, as do I. Luv you lots!
