Monday, February 6, 2012

Michele says;

We made it!  It was a long day but things have gone very smoothly and we are here in the sunny DR.  And it is sunny!  After arriving and having a bite to eat, we were able to check into our rooms.  This was not without incident!  The bathroom in the Capy's room was more like a fountain but this was quickly remedied...and...there is no hot water in the hotel en este momento!  Well no problem for me since that's been par for the course but let's just say my son was more than a little dismayed!  Haha-any way, we are all remembering that flexibility is our middle name.  I think we will turn in early tonight so we can be full strength for our activities tomorrow!  Here are a few photos courtesy of Mallory!


  1. May God bless you team as you represent Jesus and serve with love! We are with you in Spirit. Remember you are blessed to be a blessing!

    Pastor Ryan

  2. Praying for you guys! Glad to hear you made it ok! Can't wait for updates!
