Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thoughts from the team

Hey guys, yesterday was a real blessing as we were able to attend a special holiday church service where we were able to introduce ourselves to the congregation and meet lots of people.  In the aft we were at the job site and had many fans sitting around and watching us.  We were able to talk with the children and give them some treats.  My little bit of spanish is coming in very handy as I was able to spend the eve with Miguel and actually converse with him.  Anyway, gotta go-already sweating.  Sorry about the -25 over there -haha!  Michele!

Yesterday was a fantastic day of work and worship.  Fortunately, we had friends that could translate for us.  After the service we enjoyed the local cuisine.  Speaking of the cuisine, I'm not going to be losing any weight this week – it is yummy, spicy and flavourful.  The worksite is bigger than I expected at 28'x12' and it'll be wonderful to get as much done for the family as possible.  What I wouldn't have given for a Bobcat yesterday , although it would be a Battle Royal to determine who would have been the driver.  My favourite digging implement saw a lot of use yesterday as the pickaxe made its way through the old foundation.  Carolyn is ready to plant some trees, Jeff!!!   …. Ray

It was an amazing day at the worksite and we got a lot done and mixed A LOT of concrete and also got to see some more of the Dominican Republic.I enjoyed the cold shower today... thanks to big Mike for cleaning the shower head.    Adam

I've noticed most of the guys have very symmetrical sweat stains on their t-shirts today.  It pleases my engineer mind to see this mathematical principle in action.  Ray

Dale's blog:

Was great to see the significant progress today on the house and all the connecting with the kids that were made throughout the day by the team.  Great job everyone! 

As some of you may know, Lorianne (my wife) and I have a sponsor kid (Elvis) through Compassion Canada, and it was his home that we have been in the process of building. Today,  I got to meet his mom Marelle, daughter, and Elvis.  I saw Elvis's twin brother Edwin, but did not have the chance to say hi.

Though we had met them on a project we went on  three years ago, that awesome connection that we]were so blessed by the Lord to experience on that first mission trip was no less powerful today.  I felt so honored and humbled today to be able to share some further special moments today with Elvis and his family.  It is difficult, if not impossible to put into words what it is like to not only be able to visit your sponsor child, but to have a chance to hang together with a great group of brothers and sisters in building a home for them has been incredible experience so far.  Praise God, and I'm looking forward to what the Lord has to offer as we continue our journey here.

Bye for now.



  1. Guys and Gals
    thank you for sharing. The excitement of the experience is coming through loud and clear.
    God bless you all as you enjoy His favor in the DR.
    You can be assured many prayers are being offered up from here at home as we follow your progress.

  2. This is all so cool these updates. I so wish I was there with you guys. This is the real McCoy. This is where we needed to go as a church ref the kind of mission trips we were made to make and do.

    Ry - the interview went so well yesterday at church. You came in "loud and clear". Everyone thought it was so cool and it looked so official with a picture of you with the background map of where you guys are. It was a good ZNN live report!

    BTW: "Reality Jesus" new series is off to a great start. Jeff Brown commented that yesterday was in the top ten all-time at Sequoia! Great job Donna and Worship Team.
