Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our views

Care:(aka Carolyn or Carolina)
Over the last few days, I have been doing a little of everything. I accommpanied Ray and the guys to the hospital trip and saw more than I bargained for. Too much to write here so you will have to ask me about it sometime. Yesterday I helped at the job site holding the boards while they cut and hauling a few boards out of the building. I headed back to the house to stay with Lynn and play nurse maid and do a little clean up around the house. I then played the role of photographer ( sort of) on a visit to a Hatian Batey in Samane. There were a lot of children viing for attention and photo opps.  We then went to visit a house for sale just around the corner. Potential Sequoia Casa? If you're going to dream, you may as well dream big! The team has really gelled. Everyone is looking out for everyone else and you can see the love of God being acted out in many ways. I really appreciate you guys and Praise God for you!

The trip has been really exiting. Riding through the village in the back of a pickup is a lot of fun. The scenery is beautiful. The trip to the hospital with Ray was freaky..

Mike & Donna
The project is going very well and everyone is working really hard. We are at the point of rafters being installed and siding going on.  Inside the wiring is starting and our doors are on the way. By the end of today, we should have the tin on and most of the siding. We visited Samane yesterday where our family lives and met with Yolanda, Angelina's Mom. She was so happy that we were finally here and told us she had been waiting for so long to see us again.  She is a single Mom of six and works five days a week in another city cleaning and cooking for a family. Her pay is $50.00 per month. Angelina is responsible for the majority of her little sisters' care. Yolanda told us that most of Samane floods whenever the river rises and that she would like to move to higher ground. Often, the whole house is filled with water. Her home is made of small trees with scrape wood on the walls and recycled tin on the roof.  Inside, she has done the very best to make this house a  home. It is immaculately clean, with everything in its place. The one thing that was missing, as we looked around the small room was food. There was absolutely no food in the house. It was humbling to see our pictures up on the wall. Yolanda was proud to show me the tablecloth I had given her the last visit and the other items were safely tucked in her small little china cabinet. There was quite a stir in the little Haitian village as we left, with the children walking us out.  We have so much and they have so little, yet we could learn so much from their sweet loving spirits and constant thankfulness to God for the blessing they do have. We are constantly reminded of God's love and grace everywhere we look.
Lynn and Kenny
Good Morning from the D.R.      There just aren't any words to describe my feelings about what I have seen.  When people say you have to see it to believe it they are right.  The kids are amazing, incredible, so sweet and so loveable.  We are making such good progress with the house.  We have met the lady and her children and they are so excited to see their new home going up.  Kenny is a big hit with the kids, his emotions are sure running high.  I sure don't have trouble sleeping, hit the pillow and I;m out cold.  Lots of other want to write so I will sign off for now, just want to say hi to Mom and Laura and Diane, Jennifer and family, Amy and family, Shelley and family and Dan and family. Will have so much to tell you when I get back.  Love everyone, Lynn and Kenny
Hi Everyone, especially Ryan, Morgan and Leslie.   Today's been a great day so far because when we woke up this morning, it was nice and cool... almost requiring a long sleeved shirt.  A good day to work on the roof.  It's a busy day today because we have people working on the roof, the exterior walls and the electrical wiring of the house all at the same time.  We are having discussions about adding a bathroom to the back of the house.  (Did I mention there is no running water in the place?! We are so blessed to live in Canada).  It's around noon time right now and the heat is turned up as the sun has really warmed things up again.  Have a great day everyone and God Bless You all!  Thanks to Papa for helping with Ryan and Morgan and thanks to Uncle Kevin for shoveling snow!  Wow...  snow seems so far away for me right now!.  Love you all..  hugs  Donato  P.S.  I've taken some pictures of the open sewer running out the back of the house.  It's a really "interesting" odour.
Hola amigos!!  Que pasa?  We are really experiencing God's plan to the full here in Montellano.  When Care and I began planning this trip our hope was not only to do some 'works' but out of those works God would do some things that will have eternal consequences.  With the relationships that are becoming stronger and the way our work and presence is being received, I am sure that this goal will be achieved.  We also have new hopes and dreams about how this partnership can move forward in the future.  I really wish that you all could actually be here.  If you were, I am sure everyone of you would be ruined for missions in this village like I am.  In fact I'm quite sure we have created a few new addicts this trip  Words can not express the heart-break and triumph that is everyday life in Montellano.  Today I am going to Miguel's house for a little visit.  I'm sure it is going to be very special as always.  Anyway, I'll write again soon.   Take care y vaya con Dios!

1 comment:

  1. What can I say but amen, amen and amen to all your reports! So exciting! Imagine - one thought / an impression from the Lord back in 2001 when I was experiencing Compassion in Bolivia - which then led Sequoia to DR and to this village in 2004-05! So imagine now what the Lord is saying to you - what you are experiencing - and where it will lead and how it will multiply transformation into the lives of so many. Kind of freaky good when you think about it! The Lord is awesome! Personally - I am for sure thinking now let's get a "Sequoia Casa" in DR! And I personally need to go soon - I'll explain why when you come back!!!
