Thursday, February 27, 2014

Jean and Ally's visit with our sponsor child

Ally said the day she met our sponsor child, Aida Yohanna, was the happiest day of her life.   Yohanna is the same age as Ally and we`ve been sponsoring her since she was around 6 years old.  We picked her because she is the same age as Ally. At one point she took Ally by the hand and said to me `photo` and she stood beside Ally and made a small heart with both of their hands together, then made a bigger heart! The first time we met her we spent the day making bracelets, painting nails, then she did both of our hair. On Wednesday we had our home visit.  We met her mom, brother Carlos, and step dad. We saw where they live, and took some pictures. You really realize how blessed we are in Canada when you get to see it for yourself.  We had a translator with us so were able to converse quite well. The compassion rep told us that they really appreciate it when sponsor families come to visit their sponsor children, and that they encourage it. I didn't realize how easy it was to get to meet your sponsor child, so if anyone ever wants to sponsor someone, maybe pick a child in a destination you would be interested in visiting. We were just as blessed as her family to be able to meet them and provide some things for them. It is such a blessing to be able to give things to people who are so much in need. At the end of the trip we prayed with her family - a very special time.

Jean M.

1 comment:

  1. This is all priceless!
    You remind me all of Jesus... Well done team!
    We look forward to welcoming you home.
    Blessings, Ryan
