Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 8 part 2 "Movin' on up"

Do you remember that old 70's sitcom "The Jeffersons"?  Remember the theme song "Movin' on up"?  You're probably singing it now.

That was us today.

After a trying morning with never ending pouring buckets of rain we evacuated from our previous mission how in Montellano and ended up at Makarios about 10 minutes away.  Needless to say it's kinda like a mansion compared to what we had before.
It's about 10x the size of the old place.  Not that the old place was that bad; it just had this small problem of being 4-6" under water.  And as much as I like a pool, this one - not so much.

But even so we all agreed that even though it was a lousy start to the day it was a good learning experience for us.  We've all had a very small taste of what a lot of people live with all the time.  It was pretty humbling...

When we got here due to some God-ordained circumstances (including a bridge washing out) it ended up that a number of our sponsor kids were able to come to the Makarios house for us to visit.  We ended up having lunch with them and were all able to spend a few hours with them.  It was great.

After the kids went back we wandered down to Cabarete - which is an actual beach.  And it rained.  And some of us didn't care because hey - might as well get wet anyways.
The plan for tomorrow is to "git-er-done" (which is spanish for "finish the house").  Still lots to do but we trust that God will go before us.  We are just His instruments, He has to do it.

And for your viewing pleasure

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