Tuesday, February 25, 2014

This time in the DR has confirmed for each one of us that love breaks down barriers of language, ethnicity, brokenness, hurt and separation from God and others. This week we have been blessed to share in a devotional time lead by Vanessa. We have looked at the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, and how we cannot begin to understand Jesus' command to go and make disciples of all nations, unless we first come to understand God's love for us. Once we truly grasp what it means to love God with all our heart and to love others more than ourselves, only then can we truly be equipped to pour our lives into others and make disciples. If there has been one theme, during our time here, it has definitely been understanding God's love as the greatest gift of all.
Over the past few days, it has become so apparent that all our sponsorship families and kids, the Compassion staff, church leadership and local children just love spending time with us. They love us so unconditionally, and it is not about the gifts we bring or what we might be able to do for them, its about sharing the bond of loving God and being with someone who they love deeply because we have taken the time to open our hearts and be the hands and feet of Jesus. This time has been filled with times of great joy and love, sharing, cherished moments of reuniting, playing with the children, presenting the message of God's love in the program at four different locations around Montellano, and just being thankful that God has allowed us to be a part of work for his Kingdom purposes. Today we drove through the sugar cane fields and into the mountains to a village called Severet. As we walked up the hill toward the church, we had no idea that inside there were 60 children waiting to hear our program. It was an amazing time and at the end 9 children came forward to pray to have Jesus come into their hearts. We were blown away by their sweet response to God's love.  Every day, we continue to say, "This was the best day ever!"
Personally, it was difficult today to say goodbye to Joselito and Angelina, but I feel so blessed to see the change that the Lord has made in their lives. As I expected, one of the first questions the kids had for me was, "Where is Mike?" Their eyes light right up and they can't help but smile when they talk about him. For Joselito and Angelina, he is the "Papa" they have never had in their own family. Josephat, as well, asked immediately for Matt and wanted to know that he was doing well and when was he going to come again to see him.  We represent God's love to these kids and they just love spending time with us. They hardly even noticed the gifts we brought, instead they just wanted to just be with us, laughing and playing in the pool. What gave them more joy than anything was when I jumped in the pool with all my clothes on. There was nothing but joy filled screeching and splashing, and Jospehat's face was full of excitement as he recounted my antics in the pool to his Mom the next day. Being the representation and model of  the love of God to these children has been a tremendous gift to each one of us and in His power it has made a tremendous difference in their lives and our own.


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